Hi I'm Amy, Trading Keeps Me Sober!

I’m from the UK and currently live in Sri Lanka.

I started learning about trading in Jan 2023. I studied super intensely for a year and passed the FTMO challenge on my first time - it took me about four months to pass. Doing the challenge helped me to become much more disciplined but then after I passed, it sarted going downhill (I was a bit overexcited!!) I’ve taken a month off to cool down and just recently started again. Seems to be going well!

I leant to trade from YouTube and have not told my friends & family what I am doing, so I really don’t have any trading friends :frowning:

I’m super into the psychological side, I use meditation and other therapeutic techniques to stay focused in my decision making processes. It has also helped me to work with my past Trauma and addictions…Trading totally keeps me sober!! To be honest my priority has always been to keep my mind clean and stay healthy, rather than making profits (but naturally the profits also help, ha!!)

Anyway, I’d love to be part of a community, meet other likeminded people, and see what other traders are up to! Thanks for reading.

Best wishes,
Amy x

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Hi and welcome in the BP community :slight_smile: emotions in trading are the biggest enemy, spread your knowledge here Learn How to Trade the Markets and good luck in this long journey. Regards Greg

Welcome to the community, and thanks for sharing your story! You’re definitely in the right place to connect with other traders! Looking forward to hearing more about your journey.

Welcome welcooome! :blush: I’ve met a lot of people here whose lives were greatly impacted by forex, but I’m glad to see it has a good impact on yours too! :blush: I’m very curious about what you mean by therapeutic techniques. (I feel like I need those for myself! :sweat_smile: ) Does this also apply for your trading? :smiley:

And as for your trading friends, well, you’ve got us now! :smiley: I hope we get to interact more around here. :blush:

Welcome to the community! You’ll definitely learn so much here. Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey!

Welcome, just out of interest, how is the FTMO thing going? You mentioned a downhill…

Hello and welcome to the community! It’s great to have you here among us