Hi I'm luggy new to forex

Hi I’m new to forex trading, joined this forum to try and learn abit more about trading!

Hi Luggy! What got you interested in trading?

Hi, I became disabled, pretty much house bound, so thought I learn forex.

hi luggy,nice to meet you

Welcome Luggy! :blush: I hope you’re already going through the school here. :smiley: If you have any questions, don’t be shy to ask away. :smiley: We’ll all be happy to help. :blush:

Hi erwang Nice to meet you too!

Hi, ria I’m learning alot, thank you and will do

Nice to meet you too

I’m sorry to hear that, that’s awful. :disappointed:
However, you seem to be a motivated person to have figured out a solution to keep you going. I hope this site helps you accomplish your goals and wish you all the best moving forward. :four_leaf_clover:

Hi heaven, thank you for your kind words, leaning something new it’s not always easy, I’m keen to learn something new, and keeps me occupied also,

Hi Luggy, welcome to the community. Babypips is the right place to start with basic knowledge. If you have any doubts, feel free to ask for help.

I am Kainga, from Kenya.
A friend introduced me to the platform a few years ago while I was at University but I didn’t take much interest until today. I am determined to learn forex and begin trading because I wanna self-employ.
I hope to learn where to start and how to go about it. I tried investing with my friend and lost USD 1000 within a few days so I am here to learn how to do it on my own.

Hi gizma,

I’m enjoying what I’m learning, thank you!

Hi @luggy48

Welcome to trading! Did you start with the school of pipsology? How did you find it?


Hi yes I’m working my way though the school atm, finding it vert interesting Learning alot, and wow my first trade on demo!

Hi, welcome to BP! You will learn a lot and remember to keep your mind open and be ready for learning!

Hi luggy! Welcome to this forum. I hope you have a wonderful experience here. Are you still in the learning phase or are you trading?

Welcome to the community, @luggy48. You’ve come to the right place to learn. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome to BP! I will be straight to the point. Youtube ‘‘ICT forex’’ and check out his channel. Do not waste time by trying out other strategies. Can they work? Maybe. Does ICT work? Yes.


Thank you I’m learning alot!