Hi Im new to forex and babypips forum

Hi everybody im new here and I came here with the aim of learning and understanding what forex is I might have decided to join forex for the wrong reasosn which is financial freedom but im hoping it does guarantee that financial freedom. My day to day job only pays the bills and thats it. So im hoping to learn a lot from this forum and the amazing people in it.

Welcome to the community! I think it’s realistic to look at forex as more of a side hustle starting out, and to try to learn and start alongside your real job. You’ll eventually start earning extra money and over time you can figure out if you’re earning enough to support yourself completely so that you may be able to quit your job in the future. I’m wishing you luck! :four_leaf_clover:

Focus on learning and practising on a demo account and let any rewards take care of themselves. Instead of a monetary mindset, think percentages.

Best of luck.

Thank you so much i appreciate the wise words.

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