Hi ladies and gentlemen

Hi guys, I’m a new member in this community and I hope I can get along with all of you here , and for now I’m just a beginner starting from 0 and I want to learn about trading so I can start making money at most after 2 or 3 years from now and for that I need help as much as possible from anyone who can help .
By the way I’m not a very good English speaker so don’t mind me if I make some mistakes :relaxed:.

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Hello and welcome to the community! Everyone here is super helpful. Definitely think this is a great site for beginners, and I hope to see that you stay around for a while! A lot of beginners give up after a period of time, but if you stick with it things should work out :grin:

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Your English is perfect! :blush: But grammar mistakes don’t matter much here, I think. :blush: You’re off to a good start because you realistic expectations. So I guess the next step is to just check out the school here. :smiley: Don’t be shy to ask questions! :smiley: Like what Heaven said, everyone here is just super nice and helpful. :blush: