Hi My name is David

Hello, my name is David, I am from Panama, it is a pleasure to start with you, the truth is that this is a great challenge, I am new to FX, excuse my English, I am not that good, I have already been doing FX for 1 year and it has been a great curve of learning
At first it was crazy and little by little I have been learning things, I am consuming everything I can understand from the internet since like everyone I am looking for profitability, the truth is that it is a great process and that each one is different
Getting here has been a great challenge, especially because of the English, but it is a matter of trying, I have been in several communities but none of them emphasize taking the new ones by the hand.
In order to improve trading you have to be present in a community sharing what you do to be able to progress do your backtesting make your journal and analyze what you do right or wrong to correct
having friends to trust and above all grow, it is always very good to find a mentor since there is no better way to learn with someone who can guide you
'm still learning, I’m not profitable, but I want to be profitable and for being here to be another step that helps me grow in my process and help those who need it too.

Welcome David

I glad you’ve found the Baby Pips community. Here you’ll find new traders that are still learning and more seasoned traders. Don’t be scared to throw up any questions you have as there are plenty of people on Baby Pips that are more than willing to help.

I wish you luck on your trading journey.

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Welcome to babypips! Have you ever thought about starting a trading journal here? That will really help in digesting whatever you’re learning, applying it and also having some sense of accountability!

If you treat learning about trading here on this great education site, the same as your English perseverance lessons, you are on the right path to being successful.

As for mentors, choose books instead - that is, those that suit your trading style as we are all different.

best of luck.

Hello and welcome, David! Being profitable is our goal, and this community is here to support us on that journey. Good luck and see you around!

Welcome David! Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey!