Hi, My name is Jamal

My name is Jamal. I am brand new to Forex. I am a husband of 32 years. My wife and I have 10 children together. I have a background in Banking and Finance. I am looking to finally learn how to trade to leave a better legacy to my children and future descendants. I am ready to learn and happy to be here.

Best of luck on your long education journey.

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Welcome Jamal! If you haven’t been through the School of Pipsology yet, you should check it out. It’s the best place to start for newbies. See you around and good luck!

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this forum is full of education , i hope you will be knowledgeable from this trading place , have a very good journey from there.

hello jamal , most welcome in this community , have a very good journey from there. happy trading

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hi Jamal , Welcome to this forum, happy trading

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this community is really important to learn Forex in a proper way , i hope you will bring good knowledge from there .

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Thank you so much