Hi my name Is Sarjal

.Hi my name is Sarjal and i am 31 years old. I like forex trading because you kan almost trade 24/5 on the marked. I am trading for financial freedom to have more time for my self. So i like doing it also and to learn everthing i can.


Welcome aboard, and what is your plan to trade to financial freedom?

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Thank you ! Mostly Currency Pairs in Forex. And you ?

I’m financially free because I don’t worry about money. Trading FX is simple but most traders fail because their mindset is not detached from money. This is your biggest challenge to overcome.

The Zen solution is if you can resolve an issue you don’t need to worry, and if you cannot, there’s no need to worry. When trading live you have no control over what the market throws at you. And it’s how you react to the emotional response that makes or breaks you.

Best of luck.


Thank you for your input. I wil take it with my trading journey.

Welcome! ! How are things going for you? I hope you’re enjoying this new journey! Keep learning and we will be looking forward to your progress!

Welcome to the community, Sarjal. Are you trading already or just starting out?

Stil learning en knowing my self. I noticed that I put my stoploss to early.

Welcome to the forum! All you need is patience and a strong understanding of the power of knowledge to take you towards earning the rewards you seek. Good luck!

Hi Sarjal! Nice to meet you. I hope this site helps you with your plan and that you accomplish your goals in the future. :four_leaf_clover: