Hi there Good evening

Hello everyone I’m new here . Hope to meet new friends

Nice to meet you and welcome to the community! Are you new to forex or trading already?

I’m 17 years old, work part time but don’t have a lot of money stacked up. I’m here to learn as much as I can trading with small amounts so that a few years down the road I will have both the skillset and financial option to trade full time. I am completely new to trading and know absolutely nothing aside from a couple youtube videos. Any advice to getting started, where to look for info, basic fundamentals of forex, or anything else

Welcome to the community, @ICT_PRINCE. Hope to hear more from you. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Hi, my advice would be don’t use youtube to study until you get your own education sorted as this will confuse you just keep studying and learning on babypips, save and get on a proper trading program like learn to trade. Then expand. Lean how to read charts, candles sticks patterns, fundamentals & technical analysts that is just the very basics. hope this helps.

Hi newbie, glad to have you here. Keep learning, trading, and improving to do well at your career.

Welcome, here! Focus on learning before you expect to make money. It might take some time to get good results and you need to prepare yourself until then.