Hi there, not a Newbie is Back!

Hi there,

I am Senami and am glad to be a part of this forum. I stopped trading for a while due to my poor mindset and knowledge. I am back now!!!

One of my goals is to be financially free and aside from real estate, I observed the foreign exchange market is also a good way to go.

I am looking forward to learning and growing my trading and financial intelligence skills.

Every piece of advice would be appreciated.


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Welcome back @Senami

Did you finish all the courses in Babypips? If not, try to finish it first since it will help you improve your basic knowledge and mindset too.
Good luck!

Thank you @Panda_Forex. I haven’t finished it all but would definitely do it.


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IMO, I suggest you use a demo account to develop a profitable strategy and a definative process that you could use for every trade you make. That’s your starter. Too many newbies don’t, or if they have it in place, they don’t follow it.

Thank you @steve369. I will definately do that.

Welcome back! Hope you have new ideas and ways to earn the profit you wish to achieve. Checkout the pipsology course again to brush up your skills. Good luck!