Hi to all at Baby Pips from John Scott

Hi Everybody

My names John, and I’ve been actively trading Forex and CFDs for what seems like an eternity - well since 2003 actually. I concentrate specifically on Price Action strategies but love all aspects of the markets.

I DO NOT class myself an expert but have had enough experiences both good and bad, that I’m able to offer what I consider sound advice for those struggling.

I started my own blog recently, Tradeneophytes, which gives my two pennies worth on what it takes for newbies to succeed as an FX or CFD trader

I have bags of sympathy for anyone starting out in this business, and so genuinely what to help if I can do so.

I am hoping I can become an active member of this forum because after all trading is a very lonely business.

Happy trading everyone



Hey! Also welcome!

Cool blog you have!

welcome in this Forum and hope the blog you have will support the traders who are particularly newcomers. happy trading.

Thanks for checking it out.

I am a bit wary, I don’t want to be accused of shameless promotion.

Blogging is all very new to me, so it’s a bit trial and error right now.

But I really want to help any beginner succeed.

I spent many of my early years failing at trading, so became pretty much an expert at what works and what does not!


Will do my best. Thanks

If we can’t help people in this life, what’s the point in it all

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Hello and welcome, @Johnscott31! Looking forward to hear more about your trading experiences here in the forum. See you around!