Hi Trading Learners! 😀

Hi Trading Learners! I’m Maunu :grinning:
I’m here like everyone else, to learn how to trade properly and not just trying to figure it out by YouTube or paying extortionate prices for a trading guru. That money (to me) seems like it could be better used on starting to trade (win or lose).
I live in New Zealand and am very new to trading and am really looking forward to the journey of learning ahead and (fingers crossed) learning enough to become an alright/profitable trader.
I work full time as an IT professional in the Managed Services space and I love the idea of making money from money; so with learning, practice and patience I am hoping that I can take this from just an idea/interest into perhaps a long term career.
Looking forward to the journey, Cheers


hi and welcome in BP community :slightly_smiling_face: with this approach and mindset, you have higher chances to achieve these goals. Check this topic Program your success as a start and good luck :slight_smile: Regards Greg

Greetings Mannu!!

In my opinion, you should first identify what markets you want to be trading and what kind of trader you want to be before you start learning strategies, because this will help you focus on areas that will suit your lifestyle and prevent you from consuming information you won’t regularly use (I am talking from experience and I am also a beginner :upside_down_face: )

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Welcome. Start here

Hey Greg,
Cheers Ill be sure to check this out :grinning:

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Hey DaddyPL,
Cheers for the tip :grinning:. I am currently looking at learning Forex to start but am keen to learn other too

Hey dushimes :grinning:,
Thanks for the link… Ill be sure to look at this too.

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Welcome Maunu! I love your mindset! Wishing you all the best on this journey!

Hey chimmyfx :grinning:,
Thanks… From the comments, information and research I’ve seen so far mindset seems to be a common theme here, so I’m being mindful to make sure my mind is right to enable myself the learning results for success. And wishing you and everyone else the very best on your journey too.

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Welcome Maunu! Enjoy your stay and good luck on this journey!