Hi Ya'all! Im a newbie to trading

Hi Im a newbie to forex trading and Im from a developing country in the Pacific called Papua New Guinea. I have a full time job but Ive always been curious about trading. It wasnt until i was recently being introduced to it on social media (Tiktok) by a fellow countryman that got me to really look into this and i came across this site. I hope to learn as much as i can and so that i can grow in this space.
Im really looking forward to learning from you all and hope that i can share some knowledge and best practices with with the community as well.
Thank you.

you have chosen the right place i think as a new forex trader , community is very friendly , hope you will feel not boring at all , happy trading, good luck

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I agree! That it is undoubtedly one of the best and most trustworthy site for free forex education.

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Thank you Champ!

hi and welcome to Baby pips.

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Hello Jason! Always nice to see new faces around!

Welcome to the community mate. You will learn a lot here indeed. Wishing you a successful journey ahead.

Best of luck with the trading adventure Jason