Hi y'all, I'm new.. Please help me

Hi, name’s John. I’m 21 years oldI’ve been trying to learn forex trading now for the last 2 years, and no matter the what course I go through its almost like I don’t understand what’s being said. I’m Nigerian, here in this country its almost impossible to make a decent income. Just finished high school, can’t further cause Mom can’t afford it, so I heard about forex while working in a factory and I’ve been trying to learn cause its the only thing with a fair opportunity that I can learn… So, Please I’d appreciate any kind of help. Even if its by pointing me in the right direction…


Press the green education button above.

YouTube is a good place to start - lots of content for free.

i am not agree with you .YouTube is not a appropriate place to learn minimum Forex trading , because most of the video content copied by others. totally irrelevant.

education is really important but any kind of education level can be useless if there is no regular level of practice.

demo is important , i agree but honestly speaking the experience we take from demo actually not works when trading in a real account.

Hi John! It sounds like you have some obstacles in your way right now but you sound dedicated to try to learn and make a better life for yourself. Even though you’re struggling with it, I think sticking with and staying at it is the best course of action. The more you study, the more you’ll understand and eventually you’ll be able to get there.