Hi y'all- introduction

Just moved to London. Met someone who is living off forex and is doing really well, traveling constantly.
I want that to also be my life

Welcome to the community, @Geekzod. Did he tell you how he learned to trade forex?

On her own, trial and error and some guidance from others in it longer than her

Welcome to the community! Take your time learning and be patient in this journey. Good luck

Welcome to the site! Is this person a friend or close enough to give you advice about how they got to that point? If so, that might give you a good idea of how much they invested initially and other factors about what they’ve done to achieve success. Either way, this site will definitely help out!

Good morning Gang! I am Will and new to the site and to Forex. I am very excited to learn Forex to possibly be able to make income on the side. Would love to get to a point where I can grow an $100 account to $500 in a day, if that is possible.
Look forward to working with you guys!