Hi yall! Norwegian introducing himself

Greetings from Norway. Im here to hopefully learn how to become consistently profitable in my trading. Have minor experience but love the charts and want to learn. Have been trading for a couple of years. I am self tought from books, webinars, youtube etc. Have traded mostly stocks before. But always found the fx market interesting. So im here to learn :slight_smile:

Cool, welcome! Anybody in particular you follow on YT? There’s so many people out there right now with videos…

I started watching some older ICT videos and then his recent mentorship thing.

ICT his videos are great. I advice you to only focus on that.

Ok cool, you know him. Did you start at the very beginning of the videos, or with his new series?

Haaland, Haaland!

Ooh cool place! Where in Norway are you from? What’s it like living there! And also how did you discover forex? :slight_smile:

I watched his private mentorship. His Youtube series are good though!

Hello, welcome to the forum! Ah, self learning is the best way to go. Good luck on your journey.