Hi You’ll I’m happy to join the community

I’m Bernard and really glad to join you guys. I’m a newbie and want to expertise my trading life. Love to learn the technology behind forex.

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Hi Bernard! Glad to see you found this site. :grin:

The FX market is a zero sum high risk profit and loss venture. Which means on every trade there is a winner and a loser. The market’s job is to pass the losers money to the winners account. Brokers who place the orders syphon off commission, spreads, and fees from both winners and losers…

That’s it.

So your job is how to learn being on the right side of a trade, and then being able to detach your mindset from emotional responses of FEAR & PAIN at what the market throws at you, which you have no control over.

Easy, isn’t it…

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Welcome! Be sure to complete Pipsology!

Nice to meet you welcome boo