
Hi. I have been exploring ways to change career/make an income without physically needing to cause any more damage to my body. I am a 50 something registered nurse with a knee replacement and a back injury or two, sorry Joe & Tony will not be physically able to work until 70. I stumbled upon forex and it looks very interesting, been to the knowledge to action big sell, looks interesting to me but I am a complete newcomer to financial stuff and even I recognize that $5k is a lot of dosh to cough up. I live in oz but I am from the UK originally. Looking to learn all I can at the moment.

suss out johnathon fox, or niall fuller for starters cheers Q

Hello and welcome to our forex trading community! Sorry to hear about your injuries but I’m glad to know that you’re interested to learn about forex trading to make income. Learn about the basics of forex trading in our School of Pipsology School of Pipsology | Learn Forex Trading then try trading with a demo account first before you risk real money, ayt?