Hidden costs in brokers

HI all.
Have you ever thought that there might be any hidden costs or fees in brokers that traders should be aware of?

hello Chen.
some has over night charges, or maybe inactivity fees.
read user agreements of each broker you choose.

Hmmmm. :thinking: Typically, there are nothing like “hidden fees” for brokers, unless they’re the sketchy and non-regulated kind. :open_mouth: But like JR mentioned, some brokers charge the inactivity fee and the interest rates that would depend on the pair you’re trading. :blush: Let us know if there’s anything else that your broker is trying to charge you! :smiley:

what brokers are you working with so?
I have read their rules.

it means that there are not fees that included then?
yeah I asked JR to mention its name of broker to read their rules

If you go with a regulated one, you’re all good. No shady stuff happening there because they gotta keep it transparent.

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