High leverage brokers

yeah I think so, If you don’t like it you can simply not use it.

I think it’s really a good opportunity but we have to be careful about broker selection because many scam brokers are also available on the market place.

The reality is high leverage means less capital the markets can destroy, that’s a good thing, but it’s also the fact that losses evaporate your capital faster, that’s a bad thing, if you can combine high leverage with low losses you have something no one else can do, we use a 9:1 win:loss rate as our benchmark.

I prefer to use smaller leverage, as you know leverage can act as a double edge sword and I don’t want to risk my capital… not yet

I assume everything is because high leverage abetting you to use it. You see the opportunity to earn big sums of money, enter the deal with 1:100 or 1:200 leverage size and the outcome is apparent.
High leverage is the most risky thing on the market, even violation of assets diversification isn’t so harmful as high leverage. That’s why brokers which offer big size of leverages aren’t in demand or at least aren’t popular amongst professional traders.

do you believe that it is performing like a 2 edge sword??

i barely use leverage but when I use I set it on a small amount.

I think using small leverage make sense.
It is much more safer :))))
not taking too much risk

Safe doesn’t cover inflation, the more leverage you use the more binary your outcome is, after all leverage is just a short term loan, if your business plan is sound you make a return on capital plus the interest plus the capital loan, if not like most then you don’t.

Some of use use up to 1,000x leverage meaning a daytrade can generate 5/10/20% of account profit per day on small balances, with no leverage you make that per year, with small leverage per month or per quarter, it’s just as simple as that and no matter what you do it reconciles back to these numbers.

Yeah, that’s right. as I said, it’s a double edge sword.

Hi @chen2020
You still working with that broker? Cuz I’m working with one of them too and it seems to be a good broker.

so what is it then if you like to mention it here.

I would like to, but I guess its against babypips rules. isn’t it?