As a scalper a High Volatility does more good than harm,but for a
beginner a low volatility would be okay.Some scalpers would prefer to
trade on a strongly directional, highly liquid and volatile markets. This choice to me is mostly a matter of personal preference,what do you prefer to trade on A high or low volatility?
These volatility thing is really mattered to inter day traders or scalpers. As I’m a swing trader so high or low volatility makes no difference for me. But still I have to save my position of stay alert near high impact news.
I am OK with either or, but if I have to pick then I would go with higher volatility.
trading with high volatility gives you an opportunity to drive in more profit as a scalper.
Personally I would prefer high volatility and trade when the market is the most volatile, because volatility means that a market is moving, and money is made when the markets are moving, not when the market is quiet and calm.
I like to trade when the market is volatile because I’m a day trader !
I prefer low volatility , it is easy to find market movement and see what to do next. As I had low capital I can not bear fast market . It can quickly change and my money can be loose. Only much experienced traders can manage between volatile market their trading well . I can wait in smooth market for profit rather than too be in high risk with volatile market.
I don’t find any causal relationship between volatility and profits.
Beginners or traders with limited time can easily trade volatility. I don’t wish to hijack this thread, but I explain this in more detail on my thread “Balls Of Steel”
High volatility provides opportunity. Low volatility provides little opportunity. Timing is what tells when there is going to be high or low volatility.
I personally prefer high volatility since it provides nice opportunities for retracements or tests of inflection points. I tend to get bored during low volatility periods, especially when trends don’t materialize or offer nice opportunities to catch corrections.
Volatile markets are essential for traders to make pips either its the scalpers or day traders.
Volatility plays no rolle, if the setup is right.
Both are fine with me, using a portfolio of both, low volatility and mostly ranging Currencies & Commodities for mean reversion strategies and a few high volatility market Indices (+Oil) for swing trades. Of course the behavior changes in time and needs some adjustments, but in general, the low volatility majority keeps the SD low and provides some income, while the high volatility helps boost the equity.
In short i prefer low volatility for the long term trades, and high volatility for shorter term swing trades with some minor long trades.
I don’t know your strat but I’m not sure you get what volatility is …
Low volatility is good for scalping, high volatility for everything else.
Always nice to see the full range of opinion of forum members. :33:
For me it all depend on the pair I’m trading and unfortunately, I don’t have the privilege to choose between the two.
If the market go low on volatility then I have no choice but to adjust (if I find my setup) and if the market provide me with high volatility I have to react accordingly. Then again, I only know whether the market is in low or high volatility after the fact (usually after 1 or a couple of failed setup). Who knows what the market will do in advance anyway?