High risk trading

Sure will. Thnx for your help! :slight_smile:

I really would love it, that you could make a living from your, let me call it strategy or whatever, but that’s just gambling. Really. You can win the whole time, or loose the whole time :slight_smile:

With respect, I have to say that only risking $50 is the smartest thing you did. Anyone can run up a demo account there is no emotion involved in trading a demo. There is no real emotion involved in trading low amounts either. Why? Because you can afford to lose. Soooo many times people ignore that warning " never trade money you cannot afford to lose" Its not picking trades that is hard its dealing with the emotion. There is an old saying never loan money to friends or family. WHY? because emotion gets in the way when you want it back.

Anyway what you are doing is not the way you want to learn. Furthermore if you are blogging about it you have an obligation to your followers to provide good information. There are more then enough sharks touting the get rich quick vegas gambler side of FX. It has ruined many many many peoples lives. The hype from brokers and snake oil salesman is enough without you adding gas to the fire.

If you are serious about forex and serious about teaching it or blogging it to others then do it right. Read the forums ask questions etc. Words without knowledge can do as much damage as bullets from a gun. Think about it.


Frequency, Volume, Duration.

These are the three main factors of Forex trading.

How often to you enter the market ?

How much do you trade relative to your account?

How long do you stay in your trades ?

You have confessed that you know nothing about the market. Your cup is empty. This can be good to an extent as you have yet to be bombarded with all of the trading styles and philosophy’s out there. I see them as diet books. There are literally thousands of diet books on the shelves. Every type of eat this and not that, do it this way and your guaranteed to lose this in this amount of time.

Alas, it’s not the diet, but what your body decides to do with the food you eat. Same thing with Forex strategies. It’ s not the strategy, but how you internalize it and use it. It really is emotion based. Can you controll your emotions and manage your risk, or will the risk manage you?

You have yet to lose big. That can be a humbling and very educational experience. I had lost a $10,000 account in a matter of weeks. A painful experience but one that can help you learn to respect the animal of Forex.

Well said implementing,

I have been trading for 10 years the first 4 spent losing. I still remember how I broke into the market buyng a system that promised riches, I wish I could remember the guys name Boris or something. Anyway it was a simple Keltner channel an AO with a 5 20 cross. My first trade on a 5k account 40 a pip for leverage. I knew nothing about mm or stops the system didnt say anything about them it only showed all these great trades. Life was sweet first trade 60 pips and $2400. I remember the excitement the hope. Woke up bright and early the next day… trade 1 whipsaw, trade 2 whipsaw, trade 3 panic, trade 4 60% gone. I remember thinking the system has to work just use it. I lost 7000k that day. Looking back had I even known th ename of the indicators or what they did I would have stood a better chance of success. Its not generally the system that fails the trader its the trader that fails the system

Learn to earn

You lost 7 million dollars in a day? If you had that much when u started trading why trade lol

He just missed typed 7k,lol

Yes I miss typed it sorry:) I guess my point is you do not have to risk large amounts or leverage high amounts if you have the one thing that most traders do not have and that the Forex market doesnt promote.


I tried to attach an excel sheet to illustrate my point but cant get it to post ( if someone can tell me how that would be great)

In any case we use a money management model that calls for leveraging at .05 or.10 per $1000.00 of equity (thousand dollars LOL). This allows you to be wrong either 33 or 66 times in a row with an average stop of 30 pips. If you are wrong that many times in a row STOP TRADING and find a new job :slight_smile:

Using that model if you gain 34 pips a day and start with just $1000.00 you can grow that into over 1 million. In just a year. Now in order to do that you need to compound the amount traded each week. For example:

Week 1 : $1000.00 trade .10 per pip result $1204.00
Week 2 : $1204.00 trade .12 per pip result $1448.80
Week 3 : $1448.80 trade .14 per pip result $1734.40

and so on. Now this may make it seem very very easy whats a lousy 30 pips a day. It isnt that easy and is for illustration purposes only and does not take into account losers. In which case it works in reverse you back down to the next level on a loss.

Many traders make the mistake of leveraging the same amount on every trade even as the.

Even conservatively if you get only 100 pips a week, which on a 6 day trade weekis very possisable (17 pips a day) you can grow that $1000.00 into a very nice sum of money.


Nice layout of the money management in detail.

Another trader I talked to, who changes up his betting size according to the odds of the setup said this analogy:
He said If you were betting on a fight between 2 guys, one was 6 foot 9 and weighed 285 pounds pure muscle and then other 5 foot 7 weighing 150 pounds, no muscle and no fighting experience who would you bet on? Of course the big guy with fighting experience.

He then said what if they were both identical in size, would you decrease your bet?

I found this to be good advice, as most of use can see when the odds are greatly tilted in our favor.

so what tends to be the verdict at the end?

Playing with $50 is nothing like playing with $10,000.

PS OP is copy trading off etoro… lol >.>

what do you mean by thaat?

If you make money on a demo account quickly it doesn’t mean that you will take profit on live account. When you tarde on demo you don’t worry about your money, hence your emotions are calm and profit grows. Live account is another thing. You have here emotions, greediness, broker’s interuption, hence less profit or only loss.

I’d say there is no emotion when trading with 50 bucks. Not trying to sound like a d*ck or anything, but 50 bucks isn’t a big deal for me.

Some of you were right. It’s been a little over 3 weeks since I created this thread, and my account is down to 25 bucks. The reason being the traders I’m copying lost most of their trades after the euro started going up again. How long will that last btw? xD

If you want to call my strategy “gambling”, that’s cool. But as I understand; a good trader will make about 50% profit a year? Sure, that’s very good, but then again; how much time will the trader use to gain that much? In may 2009 I put 30 000 bucks in a savings fund. This was when ALL saving funds were at their lowest. A year later I had 45 000 bucks. That’s a 50% gain WITHOUT using any time at all.

If you’re not able to double your money in one year, why bother using time on it? If I put all my savings in a trading account and spend my time trading and make 15 grand a year, I’m better off working as an IT consultant :stuck_out_tongue:

Any thoughts?

Let me get this right, there s a savings account out there that is paying 50% annually on a dollar account?

Kindof a “one time deal”…

From 700 points to 1200. not quite 50%, but you get the idea…

No liftoff.

I think he is refering to a fund (unit trust/oeic). Investing in 2009 in particular funds and you can easily get a good one that returns over 50% from then till today. Some funds depending on geographical location and industry sector have return way over that in three years as well.

In terms of trading, anything is possible. But you have to learn to walk before you can run.

Btw if you copy traders you will learn next to nothing about trading. It is a terrible idea. I would much rather be in control of my own money and fate.

Yeah its a fund. In norway we call it savings fund :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway… I just want to get more money. If you’re telling me forex isn’t the way, I need to find another way. Forex just seemed like a good idea. I don’t have time spending the next 3-4 years learning to trade so I can make a 50% profit each year. And for whoever said something about my blog: my blog is about making money online. If you actually read the blog I have informed whoever reading that I have no idea what I’m doing in forex trading, and I’m not encouraging anyone to do the same as me.