Hii I'm Dannie from jax fl

Heya! I’m a complete beginner and have no idea what im doing. After nearly getting scammed a coworker recommended I start here. I hope to learn all that I can before getting started. Thanks a bunch!


Hi there! Sorry to heat you got scammed. Shouldn’t happen if you use a reputable, trusted and regulated platform that doesn’t promise anything except execution of your trades and don’t pay for any education.

How were you scammed?

I was almost scammed but I luckily backed out in the end and didn’t spend any money. Long story short i pretty much fell for those folks who sell courses and promise strategies and things like that. But now I know to avoid those

Hey another person in Jacksonville :sunny:

Welcome Dannie! Yeah, lots of scammers out there targeting newbies. Good thing you did not give them any money. The School here is the best place to start learning the basics of forex trading. Enjoy your stay and good luck!

Hey, let me tell you one thing that if you are true to your learning, nothing can stop you from making the most of the market.

Welcome Dannie, Babypips is a good place to start. Good luck.

Welcome to the community. The scams in the market are so prevalent these days and newbies are their prime targets. It’s good that you came here to learn. Babypips is really a good platform for beginners to gain basic knowledge. Be consistent and focused. Good luck.

Hi Dannie, glad to have you here! Babypips is a good place to learn and build your trading career. You just have to make sure that you develop an understanding of what you are planning to do.

Hey, you already have a lesson learnt and I am sure that you won’t take any further risks without learning well.

Hi! I’m also from the US, just a state away from you. I’m curious, how were you almost scammed? Be very careful when you do choose a broker, and don’t listen to anyone that approaches you claiming to be an expert or mentor that can make you rich. There have been a ton of scams going around lately. Always do thorough research before you select a broker. Don’t go with any company that hasn’t been around at least a year or that doesn’t have good reviews.

When you have no idea, start learning the basics. The only way to succeed in this market is to work hard and to remain consistent. I know trading is difficult and tedious at times but don’t worry once you start making profits, all the hard work will be worth it.

Welcome Bunniie, Many scammers in the financial services sector. Be careful out there!