His grace is sufficient

Yeah you can get somewhere by learning yourself but as long as you put the work in. Failure to work at this will only lead to disappointment

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Instead of asking, why don’t you just prove to YOURSELF that it’s possible?

What if we tell you it’s not possible? What would you do?

Don’t bother asking others what possible, and don’t let anybody tell you what is/isn’t possible.

Close your eyes and imagine what you want. After that, figure out a way to get it. Suffer and grind your way until you get it. The secret to success is not giving up. That’s it. It’s all about the cliché expression ¨don’t give up.¨

You have to keep going when everyone else gives up. How much pressure can your shoulders bear?

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Most definitely you can but its time and quality time spent on TA FA and quality time in the charts .
Demo demo demo back test it’s a grind but worth the time

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I think it is important to understand your goals and yourself before starting to trade.

If you are interested and know your goals and the direction where you want to go, you can start trading forex. But if you aren’t interested at all or you lack the knowledge about your goals and direction, you cannot succeed.

True! Having proper knowledge about the forex market is very important to sustain for a longer period.

You’re right, I highly believe the ones which have passion for trading will make efforts to learn in order to get success but with little or no knowledge there is no way to attain good results in trading.

When it comes to trading, a good understanding of the market and practice is very important. First, learn everything you can about trading. Then, practice on a demo account. Once you’re confident in your ability to trade, you can go for it.
However, grace is also important and only works if you have sufficient knowledge and practice.

I’d beg to disagree. Forex trading involves a lot of accurate analysis in order to form a trading plan and make profits. ‘His grace’ might be sufficient in order to give a trader enough mental strength. But trading forex relying on ‘supernatural powers’ would be equal to putting all your capital at risk. In order to make profits, you have to technically and fundamentally analyse the market.

Yup, agree!

It doesn’t matter what we say, either way.

Be Nike. Just Do It already!

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At the end of the day, only your efforts will count; no one else can hold your hand and make you trade. You have to trade yourself, after all. Mentors are only available as guides in the forex market and are very tough to find these days (the genuine ones). Education is crucial. though, whether you gain it yourself or through someone else.

It is perfectly okay to study all by yourself. You don’t need anyone to teach you trading. In the beginning, the more you explore the market by yourself, the more you will learn. When you find that you need someone, you can do so in the future.

Yes I agree! Also focus on yourself and your trading goals instead on relying on divine assistance.

THanks for this interesting information!

So long one can read and comprehend things they can definitely trade forex, but you have to put in the work for you succeed.

If a trader desires, he/she can rely on “His grace” to provide them inner clarity. But proper analysis of the forex market and understanding technical indicators, nevertheless, is crucial.