Hola I'm Emanuel from Brazil!

Hola everybody!

Name is Emanuel. Live in Brazil. I need to trade.

(sorry my broken English, not very good, but learn youtube)

Everything English :pensive: Try my best understand and good trader!

Good Luck Everybody!

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Welcome to the forum mate!

Don’t worry about it mate, you’re trying, that’s all that matters. There are so many good Youtube channels out there, and might I suggest watching sitcoms with English Subs too, Specially FRIENDS, which is world wide recognized as one of the best shows to learn English.

Go through School of Pipsology on your own phase, don’t hesitate to ask anything you need clarifications here on the forum it’s a very friendly community.

Good Luck!

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Hello and welcome, to learn effective forex trading, you should know that you need it takes time and efforts to be skilled. And if you are not skilled, you will lose money very easily.
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Hi and welcome to Babypips,

Below is your opening post using Google translate to Portuguese. Please let me know if it is acceptable. I have used Google Translate for over 10 years, and have even been able to understand contracts written in sixteen languages so I could know what services to cancel for IT services that had been in force for over 10 years without challenge from contract owners.

Hola todo mundo! O nome é Emanuel. Mora no Brasil. Preciso trocar. (desculpe meu inglês quebrado, não muito bom, mas aprenda youtube) Tudo inglês :stuck_out_tongue: ensivo: Experimente o meu melhor compreensão e bom comerciante! Boa sorte a todos!

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after a long time find someone who belongs from Brazil , most welcome to baby pips. hope for the best , happy trading

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Welcome @Emanuel_santos! I wish a good and prospering trading journey for you :slightly_smiling_face:

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hi and welcome

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