I’m sort of new here, that is to say I have re-joined. I was on here some years ago and lost a packet. New people take note - it can easily happen. Since then I have been trying different strategies on dummy accounts and have been having some degree of success with a certain system I developed and now, after 12-month’s of testing, I am ready to use real money and, as it says above, hoping to get my losses from yesteryear back and begin making a steady income.
If and when it pays off I will certainly tell everybody, but until that day I have a few things I need to do and one of them is to modify the shi_channel_true so that it only displays the top and bottom lines. In other words I need to lose the centre line. I have tried to make this happen, but without success, not being a programmer.
Does anybody know of a shi with this modification or can anybody on here do it? My system uses a couple of indicators including the shi, but the pesky centre line stops the whole thing working.
So nobody can help eh?
Does that mean what I am asking for does not exist? Or that what I am asking is beyond the capabilty of any programmers on here? Out of all the views this thread has had I find it inconcievable that nobody has said something along the lines of:
“Sorry mate, I don’t know of that mod,” or " sorry fella I don’t think that can be done," or “I’ve tried to do what you asked and I have been unable to.”
And if anybody is trying to do it as we speak - thank you.
Is this what you wanted? I removed the [I]MIDL[/I] variable which created the center line.
Delete the .zip I appended to it - it is not actually compressed, but BabyPips wouldn’t let me upload it without that. I doubt you wanted my tarball.
I fail to see how this is useful to you - that indicator repaints like mad.
Thank you for that jadd, I’m having problems getting the indicator to show anything, still I’ll play around with it and if it works out the way I want it to I shall reveal all.
Sorry for not getting back sooner. I keep having problems signing on. I change my log-in details and but when I come to use them I’m told they are not right. It’s taken me an age to get on today. Okay, I have been playing with your indicator Jad, but it keeps disappearing off the screen and when it comes on it disagrees with the ordinary Shi_Channel indicator. Any ideas? This is all about an alarm being set of at the two extremes of the channel. The middle one just screws everything up.