Sorry but i now i think what happened just Gentlement’s Agreement it relies upon the honor of the parties for its fulfillment.
Why are they contacting you to deal with a client? Whats your job?
It does seem odd to me to use a Skype chat to discuss matters like this.
Dont take this the wrong way. I could be wrong here and am not accusing anyone of anything. I an just sharing my observation.
Some thing else seems odd to me here. in the skype chat the use of English is almost perfect. In the forum post its a little off. Its totally readable it just seems to me that English is not the authors first language.
My question is the same person in the chat making the forum post.
I’m none of Hotforex employee
as company which deal on financial field client’s details
A broker that would just share my personal info with anyone like you describe would not get my deposit or recomendation.
About 2 years ago I got a fishing email that looked like it came from a broker I had opened a demo account with. Its a big broker I see the banner adds on Baby Pips all the time. The email contained enough of my private information to alert me at once that something was not right. I contacted the broker they acknowledged a security breach had happened and informed me how to contact the police that were investigating. These things do happen.
I would like to see what HFs response is to the warning the OP has made.
nothing comes from blaming each other, sorry.