How are traders contributing to society?

Hmm. :thinking: If doctors help save lives, teachers educate the next generation, and drivers help with the mobility of people, what’s the contribution of traders in society apart from us paying our taxes? :thinking: Haha. :smiley:

This is just a random existential question I got during my conversation with my fiance. :sweat_smile: But I’m confident that there’s something. I guess I’m just curious about what you all think! :blush:


I’ve asked this a bunch of times and all everyone keeps telling me is that traders contribute by buying stuff from businesses. Maybe by employing people? Then again idk why they’d need labor… Donating??


Money makes the world go round.


For dependent professions, they get rewarded for their skill in the values they offer, their contributions to the society comes with the skills they possessed. Professions like surgeons, media, teachers…, while
Independent professions, they get rewarded for their skill in standing out in their respective career, but their contributions to the society are not attached with the skill they possessed; contributions are optional. Professions like athletes, dancers, and then a trader.

After all, the overall goal for any kinda profession is to get our hands on something, make ends meet and by doing, each one would be on the side of being useful to their communities.


Traders play an important role in our society by facilitating the exchange of goods and services, and in turn, promoting economic growth. They are responsible for bringing products from producers to consumers, providing the necessary supply to meet demand. Additionally, traders also help in creating jobs and generating income for the economy, ultimately contributing to the overall well-being of society. Therefore, we should acknowledge the significance of traders in our society, and appreciate their contributions beyond just paying taxes.

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none of these considerations actually applies to retail traders who are “trading” spot forex with a counterparty market-maker “broker”; this kind of “trading” is just a side-bet: there aren’t even any currencies changing hands - the bets are just settled “as if there were

it’s a good and relevant one, too - but it’s easy in this context to lose sight of the fact that counterparty spot forex trading isn’t actually “trading” at all

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How long would these people continue to “contribute to society” if there was no “tax money” to pay them with ?

I’m not by any means convinced that there are “Good jobs” and “Bad jobs” as we seem to be assuming here!

I have no need to be considered a “Worthy worker” - and in fact I sincerely resent “paying taxes” to support a huge beaurocracy of faceless parasites !

I support myself - so you don’t have to :slightly_smiling_face:

Apart from that and raising my children to be the best that I can help them to be - I have no other evolutionary function.

I enjoy life as best I can without deliberately harming others or imposing myself on them by way of participating in increasing their tax burden whilst pretending to be “helping them”…

FREEDOM ! :sunglasses:


Traders can actually do some pretty cool stuff that benefits society. By trading stocks and other securities, they can help companies raise funds for cool new projects and products. Plus, they provide much-needed liquidity to the market, which helps keep things flowing smoothly. And let’s not forget, successful traders can make some serious bank, which can lead to more jobs and economic growth. Some traders even use their profits to support social causes or invest in companies that are making a positive impact on the world. So yeah, traders may not wear capes, but they’re definitely making a difference!



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“Who is John Galt” ! :wink:

Forex traders are earning remittance that contributes to a country’s GDP. Forex trading is also creating employment opportunities for traders.

I think there is a visible difference between forex and stock trading. Through stocks, companies raise capital but the scenario is different in Forex.

Hello dear ria!
That’s a good one.
I think we should not affect all the society directly, we can invite people to join this market or inform them of the dangers of the Forex, help them to be better traders and things like that!
And I think we can also avoid trading BTC and things like that to help the earth and its environment!
Generally I do not have a good-shaped answer to your question but I think we are affecting society too!

when you reach my age you do not care really about others
you just want to make money and make your life better for your family
i think i dont effect people but i am ok with that and it is not a problem for me

Traders improve society by paying taxes, traders can also channel their income into supporting members of society that are financially unstable. Traders also play a big role in investing in other businesses which serve the community thus traders do play a large role just as other professions in the community. Even though it is not visible, let us not forget the households that have been elevated from poverty just because a member ventured into trading. Trading is among the timeless professions that will exist, that can be taken from any corner of the world…thus it has made the world an easy place to exist in.

Hahaha. :sweat_smile: I guess that’s the main gist of it. I’ve been trying to rack my brain for a more inspirational and motivational answer, but can’t seem to find any. :sweat_smile: I’m happy being a trader though! HAHA And it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Can’t argue with that. :pray:

That’s an interesting take, ayo. :thinking: I’m especially intrigued by this grouping, and somehow, it does make sense. Although I would say that athletes and dancers still have an aspirational/ inspirational impact cause they entertain and such. :thinking:

Thank you for replying! :blush: Hmm. It would be nice if I can convince myself that traders play such important roles. Hahaha. :smiley:

That escaped me. :confused: I was kinda hoping we had the impact on economic growth, but now I feel like there’s less to work with. :sweat_smile: Hahaha. Thanks for that flamingo! :smiley: