How can some Day Traders trade 30 milllion $ a day?


There is something that Im missing. Ive seen most people who are or portray themselves as FOREX gurus make 1 million $ a year.

My question is, how can some traders make 7 million $ a month in profit? How do they do it? But how do they do it? How do they scale their account from 1 million $ to 7 million $ in profit?

Do they create their own brokerages? How do they do it? How are they able to profit over 1 million $ a day? Since i`ve asked people, they told me would you leave 30 million $ in a brokerage account (I said no because it sounded like the right thing to say), but if we’re going on this path, 1 million $ is a lot of money to leave in your brokerage as well.

So, is there someone here who can help? How can someone put it and 3 with millions $ daily? Are there certain hidden brokerages? Can someone please tell me?

What I`m interested in is on the broker side how or what brokers are allowed to make multiple millions a month.
Thank you


They look to Swedish brokers like Swiss quote where you can just type in 1 million

There are other ways of doing it to

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They have billions of capital funding and are trading in the interbank market.

They’re not retail traders. They’re not even hedge fund traders. They’re trading for the world’s major financial institutions.

They’re not people sitting at home betting against a counterparty on the price movements of the counterparty’s own products.

When they trade, currencies are actually changing hands.


Hi thanks,

So if I want to make 30 million $ per year from trading. I have to create a Hedge Fund? How much would access to those market cost you to get access to them?
Thanks again

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There are brokers in Sweden that allow you to trade higher amounts of money? Im sorry I dont follow.

We can see that (neither does Ausguyforex, by the way).

Your questions relate - among other things - to the difference between spot forex and CFDs. Retail forex traders using Babypips are “trading” CFDs, not spot forex. Some of them imagine that they’re trading real forex and that currencies are actually changing hands when they “trade” with their “broker”. They’re deeply mistaken.

This is actually all explained in the Babypips free course (but many people who post here have clearly never read it, nor any equivalent!):

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? I know all …

That’s why it’s so difficult for anyone to help you, Ausguy. :disappointed:


I’m in gold sells :muscle:I’m ok :white_check_mark::smiley:

I’m very close to becoming the best trader on the planet , don’t know why some people don’t see that :man_shrugging:

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I think they’re so overwhelmed by your modesty and humility that it’s hard for them to understand the details. :no_mouth:


Hello Theodore,

So if you wanted to become a big FOREX trader and trade millions ( I know this sounds funny, but I want to live Roman Abramovicis life, what can I do? Its my dream. I`m not afraid to dream too big).

So I would have to start a Hedge fund or something. The movie The Big Short comes to mind. When those 2 guys from the BROWNFIELD fund wanted an ISDA, but they didn`t meet the capital requirements.

Is it like that, or is the FRONT POINT fund also from The Big Short movie? If I wanted to be with the big boys, I’d got to start a hedge fund with JP Morgan.

Say to them I`ve got 10 million $ and I want to trade with the big boys? How does that happen?
Can you please enlighten me?

I worked hard to become what I am as a trader

You have to start by acquiring the education and skills; this much I know for sure.

The rest is beyond me, sorry; I am a realist.

(Is it just me who thinks the forum seems to be full of fantasists at the moment?)

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