How do you keep being motivated?

For me, the best motivation is my work results. At least, this is what really plays a key role in my work.

When you’ve set your financial goals and you are desperate to fulfil them, you carry on trading efficiently. If you have the hunger for success then no one can stop you from being a successful trader. Thoughts about being rich and making consistent profits are enough for motivation.

My financial goals make me keep going forward every day. Reading stories about traders are also very helpful for motivating the inner self.

Trading is a self-motivated journey. You need to remain motivated on your own. Everything is there in the trade, the fall, and the rise. You are the one to see and deal with them all.

Motivation isn’t a fiction and actually it’s possible to stay motivated when you are trading. I personally always try to motivate myself either with the potential income from my moves, or by acquiring significant experience from trading. Of course, sometimes all people can face the situation when the motivation isn’t enough for continue doing what you are doing, hence we should find the ways how to keep this motivation.

I believe everything we need to do is to have a clear objective. If we have an aim, we intend doing something in order to get closer to this aim. However, there is a real personal factor. It depends on the character and worldview of a particular trader.

There are situations when the trader “gets stuck” at some stage and the motivation is lost, because the belief in the possibility of achieving the goal is lost. In this case, the best thing to do is to stop trading for a week or a month and do other things. It is necessary to put the trading out of your head and out of your life for this period. After such resetting, it is possible to start working again and start reaching the goals.
If the motivation does not appear again, then perhaps trading is not the right thing to do. Perhaps it is necessary to completely reconsider your interests and find something that really inspires and attracts you. It has been known for a long time work must bring pleasure. After all, a person can only do well what he or she loves.

Are successful trader top of the "self actualisation paramid " ? dose earning excess money with little effort start to become a chore ???

I think that motivation is needed in Forex market because it allows traders not to leave the market after losing his deposit and the trader continues to trade despite various setbacks because he knows that if he keeps on trading he can achieve his goal, which allows him to live better.
To motivate yourself means to get ready for hard work, which will be saturated with great desire and will not stop until it comes to the logical finale… the finale never comes for an ordinary man, because doing work as work, coming as a hard labor he doesn’t aspire to earn for himself, family and pleasures, he torments himself and does not even try to change something!
I motivate myself by reading books of experienced traders and watching videos of successful people.

Yes the most interesting times are when you “battling” to be successful at trading the challenge .I read the naked trader a few years ago, it might be a fairy tale for all I know .The author told the experience s of the a teacher who gave his teaching job up, he started with an account of £10,000 got to £200,000, lost the lot and ended up owing the brokers money, This is an example of someone losing their purpose .

Self motivation and reading journals and stories about the top traders. How they lost and how they made it to the top again.

By having realistic expectations when trading.

I just think of the time that I spent learning to trade forex when I was a beginner. Also all the hard work that I put in for learning everything from scratch. The realisation that I have come a long way already keeps me going as the end result will be totally worth it. It is difficult to retain motivation when things don’t go as planned but building discipline as a trader is very much needed to attain success in forex.

By focusing on the present moment and overcoming the mistakes.

I have been doing basic trading to learn more about it. For me I feel motivation comes from curiosity and once the curiosity gets fulfilled we have to find a greater reason to stick to it. For me watching trading videos works well as it gives motivation to fight for good returns.

One should be self motivated. I personally maintain a trading journal to keep a check on my loses and try not to repeat them, also the profits that I make while trading keeps me motivated .

For me, revisiting my goals makes me feel motivated for trading.

I personally review my goals and progress. Seeing progress is a greater motivator in itself and also boosts a person’s self esteem.

Instead of focusing on the money, I consider the financial independence that FX trading might bring. Greed is never a good motivator.

Motivation is knowing that it is okay to accept the losses and growing from it by owning and learning what can be improved.

Just one word- Self Belief