How do you stop yourself from being addicted to trading?

Helloooo! :open_mouth: Super interesting because when I was just scrolling through the forums I saw a post about someone who tends to overtrade. I looked it up, and apparently, there’s such a thing as trading addiction. :open_mouth: It just got me curious, how do you stop yourself from being addicted to trading?

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It’s fascinating because some of the articles online say that the tell-tale signs of trading addiction can include losing interest in other activities apart from trading, and feeling stressed when you’re not trading. :open_mouth: What do you guys think? Do you know anyone who experience this? :thinking:

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Well, I tend to be losing meister so not becoming addicted is real easy for me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

HAHAHA. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: Now that you mention it, that’s also probably why I’m also not addicted to trading. :stuck_out_tongue: HAHA.

The fact that I am poor and desperate :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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OMG HUHU I know I should laugh at this but it did make me chuckle a little bit. :sweat_smile: At least you’re not letting that stop you from trading, I guess! :smiley:

I keep myself engaged in other work like I do other freelancing besides Forex and thus I contrwe3eol my addiction.

i read answers and i am really interesting in topic
but why should one avoid from being addicted to something that doesnt damage him or her
i mean the word is scary but learning all the time and trying to learn more and more doesnt have any problem in my idea

I go for a swim.

Addictions which you enjoy and which are not dangerous to your life should be developed, not cured.


For me, I feel as long as it doesn’t make you shut yourself out of reality, then it’s not much of a bad thing.

But if that’s the only thing you do, you hardly get your eyes off the screen, and you live in isolation shutting everyone out of your life.

Then I’d advice the person to quit trading for a while, get a regular job and do regular things that take him completely from anything trading related until the trading addiction is under control.

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Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan were both addicted and obssessed with basketball. They both scaled the greatest heights of basketball.

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Agree! Absolutely, trading addiction is a real thing. It’s all about finding that balance. Establish clear rules for your trading, set specific times to engage, and stick to your plan.

They won but at what cost my brother! you hear the name and the fame, you do not see the background! that is not easy

Avoid trading addiction by setting clear boundaries. Establish trading hours, limits, and take breaks. Diversify interests to maintain a balanced lifestyle.

That makes sense. :blush: Do you have a similar system setup for yourself? :smiley: