How do you use trading platform price alerts

Can you give me some strategies on how to use these alerts the right way? Are there different ways to use these?

Are you looking to enter at that price alert, and if that’s the case, why not just set a limit order? Or are you looking to see if price hits a level, and that’s when you start watching more closely, and not actually entering?

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My alerts are shown on my charts by me looking at what’s happening.

The trouble with alerts from outside sources is that 50% of the time, they’re wrong. Your second paragraph makes good sense for either option.

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yes , agree with you .

You want to buy cheap and Sell expensive dont you?

So I’ll tell my plataform to call me when it’s cheap. Then I’ll see What you have and decide if I like It or not.

If It’s not cheap… dont even bother looking. I’ve never been to a LV store. Primark on the other hand I visit often, but dont always buy.

I see I see. So you’re looking for a specific price to enter.

here’s a good one with how the desktop and mobile alerts work together for TradingView
