How Easy is Easy Forex

Easy-Forex has rapidly become one of the biggest players in the currency trading market.

Part of the reason for this is its name! Easy-Forex implies that Forex trading is easy, which of course we all know is not altogether true.

However, when you are just starting in Forex trading, the first thing you need to know is how much assistance and training you are going to get. So the purpose of an Easy-Forex review must be to see how far a system that calls itself Easy-Forex actually succeeds in making things “easy”.

Easy-Forex does in fact have a number of unique features that do make it as easy as it can be to get a foothold in Forex trading.

* One of the features of Easy-Forex that many people find attractive is that there is no software to download. This is not actually unique to Easy-Forex but it gives it an edge over trading platforms that do require a software download, which is the majority. If you have had your share of download problems and set-up glitches, you will certainly appreciate this. Plus it means that you can access your account instantly from any PC anywhere in the world.
* Easy-Forex make it very easy to make a trade by allowing you to deposit funds using your credit card or Paypal. This avoids the frustration of finding that by the time your funds are in place, the price has moved.
* Where Easy-Forex really scores is that it has a human face! This makes it probably the best Forex trading system for you if you are just starting. As soon as you register you are allocated your own personal account manager who works closely with you and who is very easy to get hold of when you have a question. The manager will advise you and will walk you through the initial stages. This to me is worth A LOT. And it is a better way of learning the ropes than using a demo account.
* You don't have to pay a commission to Easy-Forex when you make a winning trade. This is because Easy-Forex makes its profits from competitive spreads. Some people sneer at this, alleging that it means they can't call themselves commission-free. But of course they are a business so they have to make a profit somewhere - but they aren't making it directly from YOU.
* One very big plus for Easy-Forex is the freeze-rate option that they offer. If you are a hesitant person, like me, it is extremely valuable. It gives you "thinking time" while deciding whether to accept a trade. Without it, the rate could change while you are hesitating and you could lose a good opportunity. Alternatively you might plunge into trades which on reflection might not be a good idea.

So there are features which do help to put the “easy” in Easy-Forex. But of course an Easy-Forex review would not be an Easy-Forex review without weighing up the negatives too. And you will see some very disgruntled people putting negative comments on the forums.

The majority of these seem to be from people who have lost money with Easy-Forex. And make no mistake, you WILL have losing trades. If you can’t cope with this, Forex trading is not for you, period. The real secret of trading Forex is to make sure that your winning trades outnumber your losing trades. And to do this, it is essential that you know what you’re doing. To this end, Easy-Forex is acknowledged to have the most thorough and personal tutorial service of any Forex trading system.

Another point that people complain about is that if you carry over a day-trade to the next day, Easy Forex make a charge, and if you don’t have that money in your account, they deduct it from your credit-card without prior warning. To prevent this, it is essential that you keep sufficient money in your account.

An Easy Forex review cannot provide a complete analysis of Easy-Forex - it can only weigh up the pros and cons. There are other excellent Forex trading systems on the market and of course you need to compare them, though in my experience Easy-Forex has more unique features to make it really easy to start trading. But whether it is for YOU, only you can decide!

Easy-Forex changed their platform but these are the same people that will take action to make sure you will not win. Like many other companies in easy-forex your win is their lose and your lose is their win, but unlike many other companies they take action to make sure they win.

In addition to this, I read basic questions in forums, asking about easy forex: �I hit “buy” but the system didn’t respond… -Of course it didn’t respond. They don’t want you to make money because it is they who needs to pay you!!!

Stay away from them no matter how tempting their website is. This is a honey trap.

are you sure your not opening yourself up for liable here?

Anyway i`d suggest Oanda to any beginner, their a good honest broker!

See the website. This is real !
If these are real Easy-Forex people talking then I�d keep away from them.

Where is the Easy Forex company based??

Easy Forex headquarter is in syrups. They have offices in Israel, Australia, England and US, and I think also the Philippines

In my view EasyForex is making a mockery out of fx trading (not as rediculous as that eToro), but even putting their company name aside, I’ve had too many sleepless nights sweating over my positions, glued to my charts screen to see any benefits in an outfit like this.

Granted, i have NOT tried ez-forex, and i hate to make a judgement to prematurely, but out of interest, I have gone through their “video tutorials” and every page on theri site and those tell me alot not only about their so called platform, but also their approach.

But come on, “no-software-download” ? This is an advantage? With all respect to [B]vivekn [/B](whether you are an IB or even work for easyforex) I am a “forex trader” which means that i trade fx, not play games.

Maybe i lean more toward tech analysis, but what kind of trader doesnt need a charting suite and real-time data? I dont care what any broker (including ezfx) say about “web-based real-time platfom”. It is impossible to have a real-time platform that runs on an browser-based site.

I also do not comprehend how they got registered with NFA.

This is true, but Easy-Forex does give training

i started out with them, and within days i received a call to tell me some things, and a free package with all kinds of courses and information

they may not be technically the best, but they do seem to care about their traders

Easy-Forex’s “headquarters” in Cyprus is a P.O Box, and from what I could/couldn’t find on their website, their other “offices” that Shekel listed are simply phone numbers in those countries.

Easy-Forex’s HQ is in Limassol, Cyprus. They have an office in Chicago that sends out things like W-2 forms for taxes.

Easy-Forex was the first brokerage I used, and I’m afraid I can’t recommend them at all. Their charting software sucks - with the old system (which you can still use) it was all web-based, but there was no way to save your charts. So every time you logged in you had to reset all your charts and indicators, which rapidly became a major pain in the behind. The new website isn’t any better - it’s very flashy (no pun intended) but super slow to load, and my laptop is no slouch. Sometimes I want to log in quickly and move on a trade, and I just can’t do it because it takes to freaking long.

Another huge complaint is that you can’t set stop losses and take profits close to the current price. This means you often have to have far more risky stops than you would like, while at the same time you can’t scalp a few pips. This is extremely frustrating, I mirror all my trades using Metatrader and there have been many times where if I had been able to set the s/l or t/p that I wanted I would have had a win, but with Easy-Forex I am forced to set a wider t/p which is missed by a pip or two, then I get a reversal and stopped out. Painful. I have had many trades that should have been wins that have turned into losses.

The final gripe I have is that if you carry a trade over, you get charged a fee. The relative interest rates of the two currencies don’t matter at all. Where some companies would pay you interest if you were say, long on EUR/JPY, Easy-Forex always charges a fee. It eats up your profits from a given trade pretty quickly.

That’s it from me. I’ve switched to Alpari US now, though I haven’t traded with them yet. Take it from me though, stay away from Easy-Forex.

Not only is platform difficult to use and slow, they also put up a lot of difficulties when you try to withdraw from your account. All those crap about asking you for information to prevent mony laundering only makes you wonder who really is money laundering…even when you emailed not once but twice your credit card and personal information across to them just to close an account that is down to less than USD25, all you get is either mails asking for your info again or no responds from the earlier mails with info… Perhaps i should forgo those amounts and take it as a waking up lessons:(