How far along are you in your trading career?

I’m curious to know where you all are in your trading journeys. Are you just starting and figuring things out, or have you been trading for a while and reaching some big goals? How’s it going for you right now?

Hi @chocomoley, I don’t know if there is career in trading. I assume I get lost in my journey.

I only think of trading as an activity to sustain my life. Earn money, buy food, keep healthy, sleep then trading again tomorrow. It keeps repeating until the end of my life.

So, to make this life more colorful, I need to keep learning to enhance my skills.
For me, to live as a trader, don’t think too much, don’t set goal other that keep learning. Goal will give pressure and disappointment. Trading is not a fast track to get wealth. :slight_smile:

How about being trading for a while and still figuring things out?

15 years and still love it

Thanks for sharing. Trading can indeed feel like a repetitive cycle but focusing on learning and improving makes the journey meaningful.

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I feel like it’s completely normal to still be figuring things out even after trading for a while. This is a journey with a lot to learn along the way. The important thing is to stay patient and keep working on improving your skills.

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Nice, you’ve been trading for so long and still enjoy it. Do you plan to retire from trading anytime soon, or will you keep going for a while?

This is where i comes in.,

I’m still on my trading journey, but I’ve made significant progress over the years. I’ve gone from making rookie mistakes and learning the hard way to developing a more disciplined approach.

Nice work! You’ve come a long way in your trading.

I’ve been trading for a while now, and it’s been a mix of ups and downs. I am still learning every day, though.