How I was scammed by a broker called Yadix for 24500€

Hello fellow traders,

I wanted to share my story of how I was scammed by a broker called Yadix for over 24 500€ (our traders group in excess of 60 000€), so that other people would not do the same mistake of trusting this broker. Any suggestions/comments/discussion is greatly appreciated.

here is the link:
Yadix took away ~24500€ of my profits

here is the link to the court case (soon you can vote either guilty or not guilty)
Case# 2014-182 | simenkon vs

If anyone is thinking or already is trading with Yadix, please don´t and if you already have funds with them, I suggest you withdraw those as soon as possible!

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Outrageous. Who is the other broker that scammed you ? You didn’t say in the chat room.

That would be OloFX. But I have yet to deal with them because the amount Yadix stole was far greater.