How is forex trading different from gambling?

I remember the days it was practically impossible to lose on certain horse races each way but the industry stamped out all the liability bets

Unlike gamblers, forex traders practice extensively using demo accounts prior to working on live trades. Additionally, forex traders have proper plans and strategies allowing them to be more aware of what risk to use, which strategies to formulate, and many more

Forex trading is completely different from gambling because trading involves proper analysis of the forex market whereas gambling is completely based on luck and involves unpredictable odds of winning and losing.

To be honest, I generally have a question - who constantly wants to compare two completely different industries for work?

The question is “What makes them different”? - Your answer shows that you think “they just are” - whilst many of us dispute there is any discernable difference at all - Why would you want to deny any comparison without any reasoning at all ?

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gambling - rather more related to gambling. It seems to me that Forex is more amenable to analysis and analytics.



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It all boils down to how you define gambling, and some of us definitely interpret it differently. Gambling, in my opinion, is when you stake money on something with an uncertain conclusion, such as forex trading.

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Forex trading needs skills and techniques but gamblig is solely dependent on luck. In gambling there is no scope of reducing risks, it is a win or lose game. Whereas traders can reduce risks by using strict risk management strategies.

Forex trading is sometimes linked to gambling due to the huge stakes involved. It does not sit well with me. Trading is not the same as gambling if you use the appropriate approach after conducting thorough market research.

Forex and gambling are quite different and can mainly be differentiated on the basis of involvement of a plan and set of strategies. Forex, unlike gambling requires expertise while gambling is just a mere game of luck.

Forex trading is completely different from gambling as trading involves proper knowledge and understanding of the forex market whereas gambling is completely based on luck and involves unpredictable odds of winning and losing.

Forex trading is different from gambling in many ways but if you treat it as a get rich quick scheme, it turns out to be exactly like gambling.
Gambling is a game of chance and there are no guarantees that you will win or even make money. Forex trading is different. It’s not a game of chance and there are no guarantees that you will make money.

The forex market is surely uncertain and unpredictable. But in no way is it gambling, or even close to it. In forex trading, there are several tactics, analysis techniques, and tools that enable a trader to study the market, anticipate future market moves, and develop trading plans appropriately. This demonstrates that FX trading is not a “lucky draw.” People are lured to gambling by the emotions of avarice and vengeance, which distort their decision-making abilities. Unlike in forex trading, where people utilise historical data, market price research, and fundamental analysis of news to forecast the market’s future, people in gambling just stake their money and hope for the best.

I would say forex trading is very close to gambling. It appeals to the same type of dopamine -seeking behaviour in the brain. Lots of people who trade forex are basically white-collar gamblers and need to be very careful.

My first big win in trading was ÂŁ5.5K in one day. The next day I lost it all and more. Looking back on it, I was gambling.

The difference in whatI do now is I have adopted a strategy that works. Many compulsive gamblers would say they have a strategy though, even for the Roulette wheel.

I think the only difference and way to know you are not gambling is long-term success over a number of years. Until I could look back and say this I was never sure that what I was doing wasn’t just gambling with a “system”.

well said.

Gambling should be avoided in trading because it quickly gets out of control, every next trade is done to compensate the loss of the previous one. It is a direct path destruction.

Maybe a pessimist says it’s gambling and an optimist says it isn’t :slightly_frowning_face::blush:

Yes, forex is different from gambling. In forex, you intend to learn more and apply your own strategy which works positively in most cases whereas in gambling you just go without much thought and risk losing much more than you can afford.

Forex trading isn’t based on luck, if that sums up the answer to your question. A lot of hard work, analysing, strategising and patience goes into it and only then, do you receive profit returns. There is no quick money in trading. Profits are accumulated through a great understanding of the marketplace and what works and what doesn’t. It is crucial to be aware of frequent market fluctuations and build strategies accordingly to avoid maximum risk. It certainly isn’t the same as gambling.