How is forex trading different from gambling?

Gambling can be quite random and some forms require only luck like a roll of a dice or the lottery.
Trading can be data driven from Technicals and Fundamentals and traders well most should use proper risk management which a lot of gamblers don’t they bust out on the day

In gambling, the bookmaker is always one step ahead of its players and wins in the long run by turning the odds into an advantage. In Forex, however, there is no house. Instead, traders are their own “house” - they can use various techniques to their advantage.

Gambling is referred to as mere speculation and guesses. Whereas in trading, speculations are made on the bases of technical and fundamental analysis.

Absolutely, forex trading and gambling are completely different. Contrary to the popular opinion, unlike gambling, forex trading requires a set of strategies, a well researched trading plan and a wholesome knowledge about the market concepts and financial instruments for incurring profits consistently.

The Forex market is so volatile, it’s fair to say that opening a forex position is a type of gambling. This is a very volatile market, and no one can anticipate how a currency pair will move with precision, even after years of rigorous research and analysis. Only analysis tools and prior projections can be relied upon, but neither can be guaranteed.

Always keep these considerations in mind, and keep in mind that forex trading is not gambling . When you accept this, you’ll find that your decision-making improves, and you’ll be able to learn how to construct lucrative trading techniques. Forex trading is not the same as playing a slot machine.

I believe that in forex trading, you need to have proper market knowledge but in gambling no such knowledge is required, only your luck will work so there is no similarity between the both.

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Forex trading is betting.

Trading is not like betting on roulette but it is like betting on sports.

Forex trading is different from gambling because in gambling, there is no such specific strategy you need to follow to make profit out of it. But in forex trading, you can create strategies to make profits or to manage losses. In gambling, either you win all or you lose all.

You’re not telling us anything that shows you know about gambling.

Forex trading and gambling are very different. Gambling is about luck or perhaps about winning or losing, but not about the money that you invest. On the other hand, when you trade a foreign exchange, you have to know what you are doing. Yes, you can make money even when your guesses are wrong, but you should have some knowledge of the financial market to trade.If you trade online you can potentially make profits in the long run especially when you follow a profitable strategy.

Depends on what you mean by gambling.

When you start to control risk, i.e. put stop loss in your every trade gambling becomes trading (maybe a dumb one if trades are done without analysis) but still you considerably increase expectancy of how long your account will live.

Quite speculated, forex trading and gambling are very different. To simplify, they can be differentiated mainly on the fact that forex trading requires organisation and a set trading plan loaded with well-researched strategies whereas gambling is purely a game of luck and vague decisions that end up being profitable sometimes. Also, the number of participants involved in both also differs to a great extent.

The Lottery is gambling but not all gambling is a lottery.

Trading requires a plan and a proper approach to trading. Have you ever seen the same with gambling?

Forex trading is totally different from gambling because forex is based on strategies and knowledge, but in gambling everything is about luck.

Forex trading involves buying and selling currencies. To succeed in Forex, you have to be smart enough to predict the right entry and exit points and you must be able to manage your risk. If you have these two, then forex trading can be a target for you.Gambling on the other hand is a game of chance and risks can’t be calculated.

Both things are totally different. Forex trading is not a game of chance. People enrol in classes and devote time to learn about the currency market. It’s not a casino game where the outcome is totally determined by chance. But on the other hand, gambling is pure luck-based activity.

Waging on sports is similar to trading you looking for value

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There is gambling, and there is gambling.

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