How long did it take you to trade live?

Hello Mike, this is well appreciated, still having a learning curve am passing through but it’s great to know there are people here who really wanna help. I am sure putting in the work, studying and demo trading at same time.

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My suggestion… learn one entry and exit, master that one entry until you can do it on all time frames… with good success… and then attempt live account.

Do not try to master every concept and lesson, you need only one valid entry that you master.

You may always need to practice and refine your skill.

After many years at this game, I still do replay several times a week to see what I can improve.

Again. one entry that you have mastered…!

Honestly, I never really left demo trading. I use both Forexchief demo and live accounts and I always go back there to test out and practice more if am unsure of how to apply something new.

Yea price action zones show you how support and resistance reacts when certain zones are touched. Candlestick analysis also work along with w/e you learn…I started 2 yrs ago but I’ve been educating myself since October every single day along with a friends. I used my demo from Oct to December and I went live and lost $500. Moral of the story I’ve gotten better I created another demo with on Feb 5th with $3000 and made it up to $23,700. Do stay focus.its a lot of info on here and YouTube. Train your eye to see certain patterns in price zones. I’m 34 so I know your mind should be a bit swift. Stay patient and keep the emotions out . Bless up my guy respect.


Also for extra encouragement my friends started live. He’s always been a risk taker he started live Nov. I’ve seen him loose about 60,000 but this week he made over $600,000+. Respect the process. I’ll be going live next week. Just trust the process…educating yourself is your best defense to greater gains… Bless


I will let you know……….

Nice to know your story; thanks mate for sharing with the details.

interesting thread. I will be following this for sure to get tips!

Currently trading live now. Yay!

fab Holly! how long did you demo for?

When you start out day trading or swing trading, or if you want to get into it, you may wonder how long it takes to become a successful trader.

That’s the medicine! New traders need to open at least 500 trades in demo then they should judge their trading skill.

Quite opposite, It sounds way too difficult to me ahah

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I was (and sometimes still am) the same, but if one wishes to trade they cannot allow themselves to feel intidimidated by it.

That’s true, you should know your enemy’s face :slight_smile: for that, you have to study hard

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Around 6 months you?

2 weeks I rather lose a very small amount of money than trading demo, the feeling is never the same.

@MikeWolski that was a pleasure to read. Great story. Thanks for sharing.

Very wise words.

Took me about 6 months before going live. I demo traded for about a month and then decided I wasn’t 100% into it knowing that it isn’t “real money” :sweat_smile: I don’t have a big account though so that’s something to consider. I plan on maybe increasing my account size after 2 years of being profitable with my tiny account :grin: