I bought terminal server to keep my Metatrader 4 (EA) work 24/7 for the last 4 months…
and GLADLY ! im making 33% each month and its going very great …
But still not sure if to go live now or wait more…
So, My question is:
How long do you test your strategy before going live?
Try going live with it now IMO. Ideally when its on the live account you would want to be able to monitor it for bit longer (monitor as in just don’t let it run on autopilot while you are sleeping or working). Guess it comes down to how confident you feel with it.
Why do you buy a new terminal server? Why dont you just leave your computer on 24/7? THe EA is inside the MT4, and MT4 is on computer. The computer is always on, so the EA will be working all the time. Doesnt it work that way?