How long does it take from money in my account till it is in my dealer desk?

just as title says:
How long does it take from money in my bank account till it is in my dealer desk and ready for me to make my first trade?

Which dealers would you recommend? Sort of hassle free one’s. The ones that would actually pay me my millions after every day of my trading :stuck_out_tongue: , that’s kind a joke, but you get the idea!

Well, like with hookers, the older they are in the business, the more reliable they are to not swindle you.

Same day, usually within a few hours of making the transaction during normal working hours - not including weekends. Just search for brokers in your country and read the reviews. I’ve used Alpari for years with no issue, when I first started out I was spread betting with IG. For both I have no bad experiences.

thank you for your answers.
I am considering alpari as well