How long have you been trading forex?

How long have you been trading forex? :thinking:

I have been trading Forex for last one and half year and still a learner. I am struggling to be consistent in profit earning.

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About 9 years or more


5 years now.

15 years iv been trading


1 ⅓ now and I’ve loved every bit of it.

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If you want to say just one point in trading, what will it be?

Over 3 years now. :blush: But I do it on the side. :smiley:

It’s ok. If you want to say just one point in trading, what will it be?

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About 2 or 3 years!

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2yrs but I don’t trade full time.

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Once I opened a topic about full time/part time trading.
I noticed that you mentioned being a part-time trader, and I was wondering if you could share your reasons for not trading full-time. I’m curious to hear your perspective on this. Thank you.

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I have been trading forex for almost 3 years and still trying to conquer the market with knowledge.


Wow you’ve been trading for 15 years? That’s impressive! You must have a ton of experience and know-how about the markets.

Thanks I hope so been doing it long enough , yeah I know a fair bit

I have been with Forex for long two years and still trying to conquer the market. I am working on lacking.

I have been with Forex for more than 3 years and I suffered a lot of ups and downs here but still trying to conquer the market.

I have been trading forex for long four years and came across several ups and downs.