How long have you been with Babypips?


When I searched through the topics in Babypips forum, I see many of you have replied on, it seems a long time, 5 years, 8 years or 10 years. If you’re still here for a long time, I believe you’re happy with this forum. I’m just curious, how long have you been with Babypips?

I have joined Babypips for 1 year and 5 months.


Omg I was going to write 2 years but when I checked my join date, I’ve been here since 2018! Idk whether I should be happy or sad about that!!!


I joined 18 July 2020 just three months after I began to trade FX as a new challenge, while self isolating from Covid.

It’s still a challenge today, even more so as the planet is facing destruction by humans, be it global warming or wars. Best of luck.

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You have around 4 years in this forum and you’re still here, I think you should be happy, :grinning:

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Reading your comment remind me about the time I start my trading, around 24th of June, 2021, a few days before my city was locked down. Because of FR, I didn’t feel boring at that time, it’s a new challenge. To me, it’s still a challenge.
Best of luck!


I’m aiming my strategy down to scalping the 1hr chart trend. Putting my T/P where it’s within range of being a probable profitability. And extending my S/L to give enough breathing space. Right now it’s buying NZD/USD, which I anticipate could retrace at some point today.


I joined in February 2020. I’m really grateful for admin running this site!

Gather 'round young traders. Let me tell you the story of ¨101 Noobs Who Quit After One Post¨…


2021 April 8th… Learned a lot and still learning an what an amazingly Active and Helpful community this is.


It’s funny when you see posts from several years ago. You wonder if they’re still trading, did they just forget their password, or what?

Everything ebbs and flows. People come and go. It’s natural. It’s nice to see the same people around the forums, though.


Yes, that’s right, that’s why I posted this topic. If people are still around here, it means they are still doing their job, its trading, :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah, Babypips is helpful community, sometime we will be stressful and lonely or congested, many people around here are ready to give us their advice or encouragement.


OMG :sweat_smile: Haha. I’ve been here since December 2017 and this is probably one of the best discoveries I’ve had. :smiley: I feel like, as long as I’m trading forex, I’ll always be here. :blush:


Why would you be sad about that? :sweat_smile: I think it’s something to be proud of! :smiley: Haha.

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Yeah, I think so, as many people around here, if they still active on this forum, they’re still trading, :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah. :smiley: It’s just that I feel like some of the newbies leave once they’ve learned enough about forex already. I don’t blame them though! It’s completely normal. :sweat_smile:

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Wow. I didn’t eve notice, Exactly 11 months by tomorrow. and I am in a better place because of it.

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Yeah, you have found the right place.

What matters is how you are using babypips for your benefit! There are many accounts who ghost after putting an intro post. That’s scary!

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Time really flies! I will be celebrating my 2 year anniversary on Babypips this 22nd December. And the year is also 2022 :open_mouth: There are too many twos and I am not sure what it means :joy: Any numerology experts here?

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I joined in January of '21. Hoping to be around years in the future like a lot of the other frequent posters!

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