How many decimal places for EURUSD?


Looking at many examples on the internet for a currency.
Example: EURUSD

It says that it has a price with 4 decimal places like:

I have downloaded market prices from my broker and here some prices show 6 decimal places like below example. It can also show 4 decimal places as seen below:

I wonder why they give 6 decimal places like this example. This happens for many different pairs.
This gets me confused.

Why I ask this is because I need to be sure to know how to know what 1 PIP is for a specific currency pair.

Is it true that a specific currency pair has an international RULE to how many decimal places that currency pair has, as we will count the last decimal place difference as 1 PIP?
How will I do and think when looking at the data/price example above with 6 decimal places?

A pip is the 4th decimal place on most pairs except jpy

I see. I wonder why this broker gives as much as 6 decimal places. What is the reason for this, I would also need to understand that to put the wondering away?


For the data I have, should I round up to 4 decimal places like this?:
1.189325 [B]to [/B],1.1893