How many friends do you have in trading?

The people you associate with can play a crucial role in shaping your trading journey and outcomes. :thinking: :face_with_monocle: Does it really matter?


My trading friends are mostly from here. :sweat_smile: Haha. I have a couple in real-life but I don’t really get a lot of chances to talk to them. And my cousins are mostly into crypto and not really forex. :open_mouth: I feel like there are a lot of advantages if you’re surrounded by fellow traders in real life, but it’s not really necessary? :smiley:


i have so many friends who relates on Forex trading but this is really sad almost all they are losers from this market place but still surviving .

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I have some friends who are also traders. They’re the ones who introduced me to trading and this website too but I don’t get to talk to them a lot. They were instrumental in leading me to this path but we don’t discuss trading or our trades on a regular basis.

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I only have one real life trading friend and we no longer talk as much. I only talk about trading-related topics here in this forum. :))


I agree being around fellow traders can offer unique benefits.

Well, at least they’re experts at turning red days into colorful learning experiences. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It’s like we’re all silently trading in the same ship, navigating the markets in our own unique ways.

Some of my buddies are actually into forex trading. They’re the ones who got me intrigued in the first place. It’s awesome to have friends who share the same passion and can geek out about trading.

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Are they all trading full time?

One of my cousins is trading forex with me and I am virtually connected with many others.

Nope, none of them are full-time traders. They all have regular 9-to-5 jobs. Trading is more of a passion and an additional income for them rather than their primary source of income.

Yes exactly. It’s ok with me though.

Let me count…


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Oh that’s nice! How long have they been doing it and do you think any of them are planning on doing it full time?

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That’s your choice. Wish you the best profiiiits.

I don´t personally know anybody who is into this…

Trading FX is mostly fun. I trade alone, but I have other friends who are also traders. but just casual chat.

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That is your choiceeeeeeeeee.