How many trades do you place in a day as scalper?

How many trades do you typically make in a day? How much is your target profit per trade?

As a scalper, the number of trades you place in a day can vary based on market conditions, your trading strategy, and personal preferences. Some scalpers may execute numerous trades, aiming for small profits from rapid price movements, while others may be more selective, focusing on high-probability setups. The key is to maintain discipline and stick to your trading plan, ensuring each trade aligns with your risk management rules and objectives. Ultimately, there’s no fixed number of trades that guarantees success; it’s about quality over quantity and adapting to market dynamics.

Both these questions suggest a willingness to go down a rabbit-hole, if you’re not there already.

A day is too short a time period to assess what you are doing. The best to hope for is you can tonight assess what you did today. But the assessment of what you did on one day is insufficient evidence for changing what you will do next week.

Over a day, is profit really the best way to evaluate your trading? It might be better (though it takes more work) to evaluate how well you followed your trading plan and strategies and give yourself a score.

I tried scalping on the 5 min charts for a couple weeks last year. I was aiming for 5-10 pips. I tired to keep trades at 1% of account per trade.