Well, at least somebody asks for the downside numbers and not for the upside numbers. Great question!
I can just say how I handled that. When I first started, I put in $ 1k. If I would have lost that, I would not trade anymore. I must say I had before I put the first order in the idea to let trade my own developed bots. Albeit I knew I had to trade by hand to get the knowledge how to let bots trade.
In my experience what I can see is that my bots usually trade profitable and if I trade by hand I can’t make money consistently, because I do experiment too much. Well, with those experiments I get opportunities in the future.
After almost 2 years of fx learning and trading with a few months less it looks like this:
I made around 30% with my first broker. Deposited 1k and withdrawal around 1.3k. Albeit my account was after 4 months at 2k. In Between also again up to 1.6k. 1 or 2 years is not much time, so that’s why this account was going up and down like that.
I have now another account with a little more money, but now I am in loss. Albeit far away from a blown account. This is mostly related to some experiments in the beginning with this account.
My reason why I continue now is that I believe I have an edge with my bots at least over some months. I feel still as a newbie after only around 2 years fx knowledge, but as the years go by, I will have more and more experience what the expectation will be over the long run. So far I can’t complain. If you look at it like a career, any career in the world with high skills has a steep learning curve. In one account I even got a nice profit while learning and in the other account the loss is tiny if you compare that to any other high skilled education.
If I compare the loss I am in now and what is hopefully temporary, then this is as well nothing compared to losses of some stocks. Fx is treated by me as high risk money and as such I can afford to lose all.
My goal right now is to grow that account back to b/e consistently and then beyond that. Surprised, lol? Well, lets say I would blow that account next year or so, then I would stop trading fx. Because that would show, for whatever reason, that my past profit was a random event. If I reach my goal after 1-2 years, then it would imho show that I can make money consistently over some years. I would not only have made my money then with it, which would me set in position to continue, but I would also have more experience and can trust more in trading. I guess my limit is 5 years after which I would know how my personal perfomance is.
Sorry for rambling, but I think it might help more than just a number and nobody knows where my goals are.