How much should you be risking when trading?

By now, it should be pretty clear that losses in forex trading are inevitable.

No matter how experienced you are, and no matter how profitable you’ve been, there will always be days when the market’s unpredictable movements go against your trades. But what can set successful traders apart from the rest is that they only take on risks they can handle.

You see, taking risks is not a one-dimensional pursuit. Although there are basic rules to follow, factoring in your personal preferences and trading style typically proves to be more profitable in the long run. You also need to consider factors like your trading capital and even the time frame you trade in!

Ultimately, risk tolerance differs per person. But how about you? What were the factors you considered in coming up with your risk tolerance?


The more the risk is, the more the reward or losing possibility is. But always use low leverage in your trades.


if you consider losses are inevitable.,you will probably end up blowing ac again and again.
if you start drilling how to evade losses ,you’ll get the chance to get rid of this forex rat race.

how much risk i take? the answer is 0 .how is that possible?just drill it ,much better use of time than a repainting indicator.

One should take risks as per their risk appetite and investment level.

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My rule is pretty simple. :sweat_smile: I only trade it when I’m okay with losing it. :sweat_smile: This is just so that I have managed expectations. As they say, expect the worst, but hope for the best. :sweat_smile:

Or no leverage!

What do you use?

I stick to the 1-2% of balance per open trade. I usually don’t have more than 3 trades open at a time.

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Can you give me some pointers on how to reduce risk when copy trading?

1%, if I lose a trade and I’m certain that I’m right maybe I’ll risk 1% more for the Day. If I lose the 2nd position means that I have lost something critical about my bias.
After that is not trading for me, is turning to gamble.

Knowing the amount of money you are willing to lose per trade can help guide your trading decisions and ensure that you do not overextend yourself. Many trading experts recommend, as a rule of thumb, that traders risk around 2% of their account balance per trade .

The risk per trade should always be a small percentage of your total capital. A good starting percentage could be 2% of your available trading capital. So, for example, if you have $5000 in your account, the maximum loss allowable should be no more than 2%. With these parameters, your maximum loss would be $100 per trade.

Managing risk is a critical aspect of successful forex trading. While losses are inevitable, the goal is to minimize potential losses and maximize profits. It’s important to determine your risk tolerance level by considering factors such as your trading capital, trading style, and time frame. By doing so, you can make informed trading decisions and take on risks that align with your personal preferences and goals. Ultimately, managing risk is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adjustment as the market conditions change.
Thanks for the post!

basically the risk should reflect the probability you assign to favourable and adverse outcomes of the trade. Your goal is to achieve positive expected value for any single market trade so in the long-run after many trials your result will converge to the trading goal you set initially in your trading plan.

Yes I agree. You should only put a small portion of your total capital at risk.

In my opinion it is a personal decision that depends on your individual financial situation, investment goals, and risk tolerance.

Yes I agree with you this. I try to keep it minimal.

Actually it happens on this market quote happen. But even then I suggest you not to enlarge your risk level because it makes turn the condition more dangerous and can encourage you more to take even more risk to recover the losses.

I am currently at a max risk of 0.8% - 1% of my capital. One position at a time.

The amount you risk in trading can depend on several factors such as your financial situation, your trading experience, and your risk tolerance. A common rule of thumb is to never risk more than 1-2% of your trading capital on any single trade. This can help to ensure that a single loss does not significantly impact your account balance. Furthermore, it’s important to keep in mind that the goal of trading is to preserve your capital first and then aim for profits. This approach can help you remain in the game for the long term.

You set your SL where if you lose the trade you will lose 0.8% to 1 of your balance? Did I get it right or you enter a trade with that percentage of your balance?