How old are you

Interesting question. My first reaction was that it seemed a bit intrusive, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

I’m 32 years old and have recently begun to realize some things about time and money. Namely, that my time is worth more to me than anyone is ever likely to pay me, and that I’d better find some good places to invest my hard-earned cash so I can get out of the working man’s world someday soon. A friend of mine told me about the FX, and I was very skeptical for a long time, but he kept prodding me and telling me about what you can do with it, and I finally went ahead and set up a practice account.

I’m glad I did. It’s not an easy, get-rich-overnight thing, but it isn’t something that only rewards rich people who don’t need more money, either. In another month or two, I think I will be ready to put real money into my Forex account and begin investing for myself.

Can’t wait to see how it goes. :smiley:

I’m 21 very nearly 22

ghengisclown, i was worried the question might come across a intrusive, so i fully understand your opinion.

im only 18, so i was curious about other forex’ers ages, jobs, families, situations that would effect their trading in general.

anyone else want to post? keep it goin!!:slight_smile:

i should have done this as a poll, the information would be easier to read!:mad:

Young and 39.


as this forum is quite inkognito, I have no problem answering your question. If this is interesting to you, some more background of me, and why I’m interested in trading and forex.

  • 37 yrs, married, no kids yet, but wanting some in the near future
  • Working in research institute as scientist. As usual in academia, very insecure career outlooks, competition for permanent positions is fierce and sometimes ‘below the belt’. I have a limited contract, which will expire at some day in the future. I then can try to get a new research contract. Or I look for a job in a company. Or I look for an unusual alternative …
  • My parents started a small company when I was 4. We sold the company some years ago, which made me a quite nice amount of money (far not enough to live on government bonds, but definitely enough to live on trading). Furthermore, I think that my experiences as a member of a self-employed family should make it much more easy for me to become a professional trader.


hmm feeling a bit old now. Is there a site called daddypips for the more mature trader?

I’m 24 and just married and moved into our new house 6 weeks ago. My wife and I have made plans to pay the house off in 8 years and if successful in forex it could be 5 years or so (it may be dreaming a little but we are very disciplined financially and pretty well diversified). Pay now and play later really is our motto, my plan is to be retired before 35 and making enough money that we can live off of 10% of what we make and give the rest to those who need it more - Purpose Driven Finances is our goal.

i have tallied up what we have so far:
[U]age[/U] : [U]amount[/U]

so far so good, interesting info.

thank you to those who have provided additional info about your careers, familys, investing history, etc.

keep posting!!!:slight_smile:

22…seeking financial freedom…I feel like I’m writing a personal ad…

I’ll be 35 this summer. Something I read in one of Ric Edelman’s money books stuck in my head about the way most people answer the ‘how old are you’ question.

When you’re a kid you always say what age you’ll be at your next birthday. Kids are forward looking.

As we get older we say what age we were at our last birthday, and that’s when we start to get the rose-tinted classes about how great things used to be.

I’m made a conscious decision since reading that to look forward more, be positive, and only say what age I’ll be at my next birthday!

Something I hope to pass onto my little baby girl who was born last week.

Now I just have to figure out how to transform my ability to acutally make consistent money at this forex lark into a full time job.

imm0rtal, you sound a lot like me.

I believe it’s like imm0rtal said: You might lose money, but it is possible to make good money with Forex. And if it’s possible than it’s worth trying, as long as you’re willing to spend your time learning/training as much about it as you can and don’t quit the first time that you’ve lost.

I’m just starting to learn Forex and Affiliate Marketing, but I was wondering how you are doing in the affiliate business.
Any tips? Have you Read ebook? (like [I]affiliate Project X[/I] and [I]Ultimate Wealth Package[/I])

-[I]Oh and you don’t need to answer this:[/I]
How much are you making (on average) with affiliate marketing?

…anyway I’m 18 :slight_smile:


Really enjoyed reading some of the comments in this thred.

I am 29.

Love devoting my time to learning about Forex, the more i know, the less mistakes i seem to make. Who knows where i’ll be when i’m 39???

Keep learning and you’ll start earning :slight_smile:

Good luck everyone.

I’m doing pretty good since I started about 5 months ago. I’m in the $XXX/day profit range, forgive me for not giving out the exact number (don’t think it’s a good idea.). I have several contacts my age making $x,xxx/day in profit. I hope to reach that in a few months, I’m making decent progress.

My advice is to forget about the eBooks, they are next to worthless. Instead read webmaster forums like wickedfire and digitalpoint. And TEST TEST TEST things for yourself! I cannot stress this enough, find something that works and expand it as much as possible. Don’t get caught up reading too much, the only way to make decent money is to jump in and do it. And I’m not going to tell you that you can’t get rich doing this, because you can if you want to. I met several internet millionaires at a conference in Las Vegas called Affiliate Summit. Just work hard, don’t be lazy.

There have to be some older guys around but maybe they don’t want to admit to getting older. I’m 64 be 65 in 2 months, hope this will get some of the older ones to come in and fess up. BTW I’m retired.

I am 46, 47 this year.


Well Affilliate Project X is/looks pretty good.
Solid info, No Bull****.
Actually all the info in there is also on Forums but then put together all in one 50-page ebook. very good for beginners.

I can give you a copy if you want to check it out.

Hi folks, 49 and just getting started!

29 here and also wishing I had discover this a few years ago when I could risk a little more. I would have been a lot easier to detach from emotions back then. I hope FX would help me make enough to pay some debt. No need to quit working yet but who knows… may be one day. I just don’t worry about it know

I’m 39.1534

I started trading Futures and Commodities first about 10 years ago. My account was in the black, but I ran into personal financial difficulties and had to close my account to get the money. Now 10 years later, I have discovered Forex Trading and I enjoy it very much. :slight_smile:

O.K. Guys, There are old guys that trade. I’m 58. Forex might be a way to wile away the hours when I retire