How people use illegal trading strategies without getting banned accounts?

I used the Lock30x scalping strategy manually and As i expected my broker banned my account after one week, by saying they detected illegal activities on my account. Fortunately, I withdrew my profits got from the strategy before they banned my account.

Yes, I know the Lock30x scalping strategy is illegal, but there are still people using that strategy without getting their accounts banned. How do they do it? Can someone help me?

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I wouldn’t worry over the use of the word illegal by the broker. It might simply mean it’s a strategy they do not permit their clients to use, rather than a strategy which is a criminal act. You might find a broker with offices right across the street from the first broker who is happy for you to use that strategy.

Brokers sometimes ban strategies which are more efficient than their risk control processes and spread adjustments can handle, or which take advantage of time delay between market movements and their quote price movements. Some brokers won’t tell you which strategies they bar their clients from using but then you find when news is coming out that they quietly stop all trading from a few minutes before the news until price has calmed down afterwards. They’re just protecting their profits.