**How to Draw Trend Lines Correctly?**

Hello everyone,

I’m a new trader and I’m struggling with drawing trend lines accurately. I’ve read a few articles and watched some videos, but I’m still not confident in my ability to identify and draw them correctly.

Could someone please explain:

  1. How do you identify the starting points for drawing a trend line?
  2. What are the key criteria for drawing a valid trend line?
  3. How do you differentiate between major and minor trend lines?
  4. Are there any common mistakes that beginners should avoid?

Any tips, examples, or resources would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your help!

I would say you’re worrying too much about how to draw trend lines. They are a guide for what you intend to do, not a DNA identification for what the market will do.

So it’s more important to always follow your same rules consistently rather than finding the best rules.