How to find capital for do forex trading for who cant deposit enought capital like student

so many students do forex trading for earn extra income while doing their studies. But their main problem is hard to find enough capital for forex trading while spent money for their education fees. But prop firms are not good solution. Because their intial fee is very high . Also hard to cover their target while doing studies.

is there another solution for find capital ??

Or is there any comunity can help us ??

Its risky to borrow money when at this stage you have no way of knowing whether you will ever be able to pay it back from trading profits. To gain enough capital for trading I recommend getting a job and saving.

If you can’t find anyone to give you a job, maybe you can start a very small business, perhaps offering some local service, or maybe buying and selling items. Your best customers might be the people you would have wanted to borrow money from.

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In my personal opinion prop firms are a good solution, by the way what do you consider a high initial fee? Also there are prop firms that don’t have targets that you have to hit to pass a challenge and let you trade immediately with a live account so they make it easier without putting pressure to hit a certain percentage on a time period. The first thing you should do is make sure you are consistently profitable, finding capital is not the hard part.

I mean "initial fee " is registration fee. Its like250$ .

I understood what you meant I just wanted to know what price is to high to give some other options. My Forex Funds have an accelerated account option for 100$ and there is no challenge you immediately trade live. Funder Trading Plus have a single phase evaluation without a time limit so you can take as long as you want at 120$. You can check them out in more detail by your self and decide, but this are two prop firms I would suggest to check out if you have a small amount of money you can afford. My advice is to avoid challenges where you have to make 8 or 10 percentage in one month to pass the challenge and get funded.

oh cool. Thanks for your advice

You can privately message me from my profile here in Babypips if you have any further questions.

Glad I can help, I still advice you not to register in any prop firm till you have proven to yourself that you are consistently profitable. That’s what you should focus now since you are new to forex.

Oh sure. I will practise

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Lol is this a subtle way of asking people here for money or

This kid started a business from just washing garbage bins in his neighbourhood.

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